Why I Oppose the LGBTQ+ Agenda

The group starts out with egregious, unrepentant sin like this…

(BTW, this is the church I went to while growing up.)

It ends with this…

If you’re passing through the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, stay vigilant and keep on the WHOLE armor of God. A gun won’t help you in this battle.

This is a call to pray for our nation and for the return of our king.

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Hold the Line

References: Ecclesiastes 1:9,
Genesis 19, Matthew 24:37, Luke 17:28-30

“…There is no nothing new under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9

I’d like you to remember this quote from Solomon as you consider the new jab mandates that are being rolled out around the world and maybe to an employer near you. Christ said that his return would be during a time that was similar to the days of Noah and to the days of Lot.

Both of these times in history were characterized by unbridled hedonism, political backstabbing, rape, and murder. It was so bad that God decided that the people’s sins had reached a peak, and it was time to throw them away.

We all know our own history of stupidity as a people group, but you’re really naive if you think that those people reached that level of debauchery completely on their own. We’ve largely ignored or had an obscured view of history when it comes to the fallen angels. They are the common element that everyone overlooks when evaluating the times of Noah and Lot. Let’s not make that mistake when evaluating what’s going on today.

Last year one of my favorite YouTubers, Grace, from reallygraceful put out a great video that pointed out the presence of the fallen angels in the cities of Sodom, Gomorrah, and their neighboring cities. I was shocked that someone so young knew a secret this ancient. Here’s the link to the video entitled “Loser’s History- the Story of Sodom and Gomorrah.”

The short version is that the fallen angels had made the cities of the plains a hangout spot. They came there mating with women and having children that grew into giants. They also practiced homosexuality with the men of those cities to maintain a dominance over the area. Kind of like how Adam gave up his authority to Satan by eating the “forbidden fruit” after his wife ate the “fruit” and was impregnated with Cain (not after Adam’s likeness) and Abel (the normal child).

Anyway, when the clean angels came to get Lot to carry him and his family to safety, Lot didn’t want to go into the mountains as the angel suggested. He was afraid to go into the mountains. According to Genesis 19, he claimed that some catastrophe would befall him if he went to the mountains.

Was he afraid of lions or bears? Likely not since he had grown up as a shepherd. It’s more likely that Lot was afraid of being murdered by the fallen angels’ giant children, who were known to live in the surrounding mountains and their cave system

The giants were likely stationed there as a sort of defense for their fallen angelic parents and the evil townspeople. If the cities of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, or Zoar were attacked (and due to their evil activities it was highly likely that they would be), the giants would come down out of the mountains for a surprise, deadly counter-attack.

Account of the Kandahar Giant

Think this is out of the bounds of reality? You’ll want to watch two interviews that were done by Steve Quayle and LA Marzulli concerning the Kandahar giant. While Steve and LA are colleagues and friends, the two interviews were conducted independently. The interview centered around the testimonies of two military members who performed duties in Afghanistan. One was part of an airlift crew, and the other was a combat rescue member. Both gave a strange tale of a red-haired giant who had taken out a group of special military operators who were on patrol in the mountains of Kandahar too near this thing’s home.

When the combat member’s unit went to look for the missing team members, the group encountered the giant and a stack of human bones. The giant was dressed in ancient battle clothing, and he moved extremely fast. He killed one of the group with a spear before the rest of the unit opened fire and lopped off his head with a barrage of bullets. The member of the airlift crew talked about transporting the body of this creature who stunk really badly. (You can expect that from someone who’s been eating human flesh.) These giants still exist, and I believe that their fallen angel parents still exist as well.

Back to Lot’s Legacy

Instead of going to the mountains, Lot was told that the small city of Zoar would be spared so that he could escape there as he requested. However, Lot ended up going into a cave in the mountains anyway just as the angel had directed him in the first place. How come? You think that the people of Zohar would welcome Lot and his daughters as the sole survivors of the apocalypse? Or be grateful that they were spared because of him? The answer is almost assuredly “absolutely not!” They likely got the word that Lot was saved out of the calamity because he stood against their brothers’ homosexual conduct pertaining to the heavenly visitors. They likely made it unsafe for Lot to live with them in their city. Things were probably so bad for him and his offspring because of their evil network that Lot decided to take his chances in the mountains.

Now everyone knows the story about Lot and his daughters. The interesting excuse that they gave for committing these heinous acts was that there were no men of the land to marry or even to get them pregnant. Isn’t that strange? They just came from a town full of people in Zoar. Weren’t there people living outside of those plain cities? Of course there were. We see that either a. the men of the land were genetically modified and Lot’s daughters didn’t consider them suitable, b. Lot and his daughters were blacklisted and no one would touch them, or c. both. I’m inclined to pick answer C.

What’s In a Name?

All throughout history women have been giving their children names that have special significance. There usually weren’t too many women just giving their children names because they liked how the names sounded or how it purposely had hard-to-pronounce syllables making it rare. For instance, Peleg means divided. Peleg’s mom gave him the name because he was born during the time that the Earth was divided. Many Hebrew women gave their children names to honor the God of Jacob.

Lot’s elder daughter named her child Moab, and the younger daughter named her son Ammon, which means son of the father. Both people groups still live in the area as brothers – the Jordanians and some of the Palestinians.

Sometimes the name that isn’t defined stands out more than the one that is. We weren’t given the definition of the name Moab. Lot’s daughters weren’t totally stupid, but they were desperate and angry. I believe they were sending a message that will last throughout all of man’s history. Extra biblical accounts in apocryphal writings told about how disgusted the clean angels of God were with Lot and his daughters’ acts.

However, God allowed the acts. He opened their wombs so that they would become pregnant as they had planned. He even protected the people of Moab and Ammon when he brought the children of Israel out of Egypt to fight against the inhabitants of the land during the times of Moses and Joshua. The message that the younger daughter told us with her son’s name is obvious. What was the elder one trying to tell us?

Was Moab the Ancient Name for the Red Planet?

Years ago, I read an account of the original name of the planet Mars. Mars is the name that the Romans gave to the Red Planet. Before the Romans renamed the planet for one of its gods, ancient people knew of these celestial bodies and called the Red Planet Moab. There are scriptures in our cannon that talk about the desolation of Moab, and many people believe that these passages pertain to Lot’s children since they are the only ones that seem to hold that name.

I believe that the history that relates to that name has been hidden. I found two references to this 5 years ago. When I checked to link them to this article, I couldn’t find them; they had been scrubbed from the internet.

However, the fallen ones like to brag about their activities without giving away the whole story. For instance, they named a city in Utah Moab. The area is characterized by red desert landscapes. Did they name the city in Utah after the region in modern-day Jordan were the Moabites lived or did they name it after Mars? My theory is both. if the Fallen Angels Came From Mars, they may have settled in and around Jordan because the landscape and climate there was similar to their home planet before they had to leave.

Also, isn’t it funny how their scientists put out bits of the truth about the possibility that there was life on Mars at one time in the distant past? The Spirit showed me that there was life on Mars / Moab at one time. Its ancient inhabitants tried to mix it up with the King of Heaven and got their clocks cleaned. The fallen angels who were responsible for the desolation of Sodom, Gomorrah, and the other surrounding cities were from Mars / Moab. I believe that’s the message that Lot’s elder daughter was trying to tell us.

Ask the Holy Spirit for details about this.

Fast Forward to Today

The fallen angels are already doomed. God already passed judgment on them thousands of years ago, and they are stuck here on the earth until their final imprisonment which coincides with the final Judgment Day. I believe that these times of judgment coincide with cyclical natural disasters that the Almighty usually averts through his holy messenger spirits/ angels when the people are living reasonably righteous.

When they aren’t, he lets the calamities wipe them out. The fallen angels have been around for a long time, and they know about the cyclical disasters. In fact, they helped to build the creation that God designed. When judgment is about to hit them and their offspring, they usually resort to desperately wicked activities to destroy God’s creation before the ax falls on them.

Our Heavenly Abba Continues to Say No to GMO

God always saves a remnant. He uses a combination of physical vessels and spiritual power. The upcoming, end-time rescue mission will be no different. Christ is supposed to return for a remnant of us to inherit the earth, repopulate it, and rule over it during the Millennial reign. The fallen angels want to make sure that Christ doesn’t have anyone to come back to save.

During Noah’s and Lot’s days, the fallen angels resorted to genetic manipulation. I suspect that they are still doing the same thing today. Why not? It worked back then. Out of all of the people on earth only Noah was perfect in his generations; only eight people were saved on the ark. Only three people got out of Sodom alive. These people weren’t necessarily perfect in character, but they weren’t dirty enough for the Most High to snuff them out with the rest of the wicked. It also seems that they had clean genetics.

Today, man suffers from the impacts of the fallen angels’ dalliances with the daughters of men. Most of us have at least 2% Neanderthal DNA. We also see all of the genetic birth defects and diseases that come with this demonic mixture. Since Christ died and rose again, we are free. Our genetics are impure through no fault of our own, and he gives us a way back to the Father in spite of the fallen angels’ interference.

However, the Holy Spirit showed me that if you willfully take anything that permanently modifies your DNA (as the jab does) to temporarily enhance your immune system, Christ and the Father won’t accept you. You will have disqualified yourself from the Wedding Supper of the Lamb, the Millennial reign of Christ on the earth, and the upcoming rescue mission. You see, the earth wasn’t designed to support genetically modified organisms. Getting rid of impurities such as these were one of the reasons for the flood and fire in the days of Noah and Lot respectively. The same will happen again.

Retain your bodily sovereignty. Hold the line!

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World-Wide Call to Prayer for Pastor John MacArthur!!

Prayers work, folks! Several months back we were all praying for Pastor Andrew Brunson who was imprisoned in Turkey for the gospel’s sake. I’m embarrassed but not surprised that the world-wide call to prayer must be sent out for Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church who is standing against tyranny on behalf of the church in “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

Pray for Pastor John MacArthur’s safety, his endurance during this trial, and victory that brings glory to the Most High! The victory is his because as the scriptures state…

“He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Matthew 16:15-18






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Another Answered Prayer!! Roger Stone Sentence Commuted

Hi All,

Give glory to the Most High! Wrongfully questioned, indicted, and convicted Roger Stone is now vindicated.

See you at the finish line, family!




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Preparing Your Children for Spiritual Warfare

You wouldn’t send your child outside without his or her coat during the winter. Why send them out into the world system without their spiritual armor? Many of you teach your children about the helmet of salvation, belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith, shoes of peace, and the sword of the spirit. However, there is a deeper level of spiritual warfare that I believe that you must lead them into to survive what’s coming.

Some of you are aware of the direct attack upon young children by the LGBTQ+ community that sent transvestites into public libraries to read stories to kindergarten children while dressed in drag. The Drag Queen Story Hour sessions are not new; they’ve been going on for at least five years now. They’ll continue because this group has an agenda to corrupt innocent children. This plot is taking place across the country and around the world. Every major city in America has been targeted by this, and it even spread to Queensland, Australia.

Here’s an example of what I’m talking about …in case you were unaware.

Laying the Groundwork for Youth-Based Spiritual Warfare

When you saw this event, your first reaction was probably to recoil and retreat from your local library. You probably thought, “I don’t want my child anywhere near these criminals.” I mean one of the so-called drag queens gave himself the last name ‘lahore.’ He’s basically telling you to your face that the LGBTQ+ community wants to turn your little boys into whores. From kindergarten to pole dancing.

Instead of hiding at home or at church, I want to propose a different response. Start preparing your young children to come out swinging in the spirit. They can do it, and you can help. Here’s how.

#1 Start with Prayer

Pray as a family. It sets the tone for the day and the atmosphere in your home. It also teaches children that they can go to their Heavenly Abba for any problem large or small.

#2 Teach the Laws, Precepts, and Ordinances in the Word

You’ve taught your children that Yashaya/Jesus and our Father loves them, and this is true. You need to also teach them the spiritual commands that Yashaya followed to please his Father. He said that if we love him that we would keep his commandments. He did the same thing for his Father. He kept the commands that the Most High outlined in the first five books of the Bible.

The law explains why the LGBTQ+ agenda is wrong and the consequences of the actions associated with homosexuality and all sexual sins. You need to let your children know that homosexuals weren’t born that way. Committing sin is a choice, and it has consequences that no one can get around.

Sex isn’t just a physical act. It’s a spiritual connection. When done in a sinful way, it opens doors for demonic possession. This is how the LGBTQ+ community can shape corporate cultures, infiltrate national governments, and control households that they didn’t build.  The results are wide-spread corruption like what was seen in societies such as Pompeii, Corinth, and of course Sodom and Gomorrah before they were destroyed.

#3 What Would Yashaya/ Jesus Do? Show Them in the Scriptures

Let your child know that the person doing these sexual sins isn’t the enemy; it’s the spirit that’s operating through that person. Most of the time people who’ve gone this far into sexual sin have demons. You can see this with your own eyes in the video clip above. At a minimum, the people who thought up this event for preschoolers are demonically inspired.

 We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places.- Ephesians 6:12

What did Yashaya do when faced with demonic activity? He didn’t pat them on the back and accept them. He started casting out the demons. He literally put them to flight on several occasions. Let’s look at some of them.

Matthew 8:29-31shows Yashaya casting out demons and the demons begging him to allow them to go into a herd of swine (unclean animals).

Matthew 8:16 – he cast out unclean spirits with a word

Mark 1:39 – he traveled through Galilee preaching in their synagogues and casting out demons

Mark 9:29 – he cast out the demon from a boy; this type of demon comes out only by prayer and fasting

#4 Explain the Importance of Spiritual Warfare

Explain to your young children that they have an enemy who wants to do them and other children permanent harm. Let them know that they are engaging the enemy for themselves as well as for other little boys and girls who haven’t yet met Yashaya.

#5 Commit Scriptures to Memory

After teaching your child the Lord’s Prayer, scripture memorization is one of the most important activities that you can encourage in your home. The Word is powerful, and Yashaya used the written word to resist even Satan himself. Here are some scriptures that every young spiritual warrior should know.

When facing a problem the Israelite ruler Zerubbabal was told by God,

“It’s not by might nor by power but by my Spirit says the Lord.” – Zechariah 4:6  

“No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the LORD.” –Isaiah 54:17 

If you say, “The LORD is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.” – Psalm 91

Let them know that the serpent means the devil.

”The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” Psalm 23 

#6 Engage the Enemy

As Christians, we don’t go looking for trouble. Trouble often finds us. Just like in the scriptural examples of how Yashaya dealt with demons, the demon possessed people came around him.

The same is happening in libraries across America. The demons are actively pursuing your toddlers in the kid’s section of the library with the approval of many of your local librarians. They call it embracing diversity. I say, make it even more diverse. Bring the Holy Ghost to the library with you and your kids.

You’ll often be given a schedule of these Drag Queen Story Hour events before hand. Start fasting before these events. Let your children know that they are about to practice their spiritual warfare skills just as Yashaya did. Don’t participate in the event by any means, but don’t hide at home either. Go to the library. Sit in the back of the group and start silently praying against these demons and inviting the Holy Spirit to take control of the area.

Train your children not to call out the person with the demon (s). They don’t need to name call or get accused of hate speech. All they have to do is ask their Heavenly Abba for help to get rid of the demons. He’ll help them. We were told that their angels are always before the Father’s face.

Tips for a Successful Spiritual Warfare Campaign

You may think that you’re the only one in your community who’s disturbed by the Drag Queen Story Hour attack, but I guarantee you that you’re not. Many of these “sessions” have been canceled in many cities because adults who have even a little bit of righteousness in them inherently know that this stuff is dangerous. See this link by the Federalist.

Get organized

If your community is still asleep when it comes to the LGBTQ+ agenda against your children, then it’s time to link up with like-minded parents in your church or neighborhood to take a united stand against evil.  Matthew 18:20, Yashaya says that where two or more people are gathered together in my name, I’m in the midst of them. Take a group of five parents and children to the library for combat duty.

Praise and Worship Prior to Arrival

Bring your group together through worship music to get into the presence of the Most High. Psalm 100:4 says to enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise. A good song for this is Presence by the Newsboys.

Call in the Specialists

While all pastors should be well-versed in spiritual warfare as a rule, there are special servants who have the gift of deliverance ministry. People such as Russ Dizdar, L.A. Marzulli, and Charles Burnett-Morrow at Breakthrough Deliverance Ministries are just a few examples of pastors, teachers, and servants who can help you to prepare your children for the spiritual battles that they’ll inevitably face. Consider flying one of these pastors in if your group can afford it. If you can’t afford a face-to-face meeting, check out the resources on their websites to learn how to effectively resist the devil and make him flee.

In Focus

The activities of the LGBTQ+ community are wicked, but the associated spiritual warfare isn’t a bad thing. Being proactive about this threat, dispels fear. When your little ones see the power of the Most High work in real time, it builds their confidence now and their faith for the future. When they’re required to run the ball for Christ when they get older, they won’t fumble; they’ll know just what to do.

Shalom in Christ!


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Rethinking the Mark of the Beast

Hi Folks,

I know that it’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything, but I felt the need to make a clarification about the mark of the beast. In previous posts, I stated that I believed that the mark of the beast was a spiritual mark in the right hand or forehead. It represents what you do or how you think. I still believe this to an extent. However, the introduction of Elon Musk’s Neurolink project gives me two or three reasons to pause.


Even though I believe that the mark is more than a chip that can be removed from you, please don’t discount the warnings NOT to take this supposed neuro-upgrade. I want it on the record that I Will Not get this procedure and that you should fight tooth and nail to not get it either.


There’s an excellent researcher on Xtreme Reality who explains why wise people are wary of this technology. I’m going to embed her YouTube video here. You’ll want to check out the rest of her work too. She covers everything from the trans-agenda to celestial mechanics.



Shalom. See you in the air!



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Good News–Pastor Andrew Brunson Freed!

Prayer works.  Pastor Andrew Brunson was released from prison by the Turkish authorities.  It’s not  just house arrest.  He was allowed to come back to the U.S. Praise the I Am, who Is and is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him.



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Yom Teruah 2018 (cont.)…

Hi All,

As much as I hate being wrong, I dislike deception even more.  That’s why I’m posting this message.  I’m not quite sure if we just entered the seventh month of this year on the ancient Hebrew calendar. The reason that I’m unsure is that the feasts of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Tabernacles are supposed to be Fall feast days.

Last week I heard in the spirit that it’s still summer.  I thought I was getting some clothing advice, but I started thinking about it in terms of the feast days recently.  We may have entered the new year early.  Maybe this year was supposed to include a leap month.

The sun, moon and star systems were given to us as signs for seasons.  The autumnal equinox doesn’t occur until 22 September 2018.  This could mean that the seventh month starts some time in October.  The matter warrants more study, but I thought I’d put it out there.  I’m still going to keep the feast days this month in accordance with the acknowledged calendar, but I’m going to be watching and praying in October too. I hope you’ll do the same.



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Happy Feast of Trumpets 2018!

The new moon for the start of the seventh month was spotted over Israel last evening.  Happy Yom Teruah!! (shouts and blasts)- Prepare for Day of Atonement 10th day of seventh month.

In Christ,


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Start of Sixth Month (Elul), Month of Repentance

Hi All,

I was prompted in the Spirit to remind the waiting body of Christ that we’ve entered the sixth month of the year, which is traditionally the month of repentance.  The new moon was sighted this evening in Israel, so there are 40 days until the Day of Atonement.  We’ll all be examining our lives, actions and thoughts in preparation for the great day, which could be The Great Day!

Stay Watchful.  Shalom!

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